Book Talk Rubric




Really Excellent!


Nice Job!


Needs Some Work


                Needs Help


The Book



Includes Title, Author, Genre, and Awards/Special Notes about the Book

Includes Title, Author, and Genre

Missing 1 piece of Introductory Information

Missing More than 1 piece of Introductory Information



The Quick Look



Fully describes setting, main character(s), summarizes plot and conflict without giving away the ending, including two-three exciting/interesting moments

Mostly describes setting, main character(s), summarizes plot and conflict without giving away the ending, including two-three exciting/interesting moments

Missing 1 element of The Quick Look

Missing More than 1 element of The Quick Look


The Hook




Reads a brief hook, and gives three specific reasons why others will enjoy this book 

Reads a brief hook, and gives two specific reasons why others will enjoy this book 

Doesn’t read a  hook, but gives two or three specific reasons why others will enjoy this book 

Doesn’t read a hook, but gives a specific reason why others will enjoy this book






Speaks in a natural/friendly voice with appropriate volume and speed; Shows clear evidence of preparation; makes eye contact, only referring  to note cards

Speaks in a natural/friendly voice with appropriate volume and speed; Shows clear evidence of preparation; lacks eye contact, reading from note cards

Speaks too quickly or quietly; Shows some evidence of preparation

Little to no evidence of preparation





Has a copy of the book or emailed an image to be projected; Uses props, costumes and/or multi-media

Has a copy of the book or emailed an image to be projected


Does not have a copy of the book or image to project